L'Accolade Santé mentale
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Thank you!


Another year is done, and looking back upon it, I can’t help but think of you, who were so instrumental in helping me get centred.

2008 was a turbulent year, with my BPD. There will be ups and downs in 2009, of course, but I feel much more grounded thanks to you, to my reading, to my “binder,” which I look at whenever life gets a bit turbulent. It has become my bible.

I’m doing so much better. I still have a lot of work to do to learn to accept myself without judgement, without guilt and without trying to find “the cause.” It’s a long road to wisdom. Thankfully, there are organizations like L’Accolade. Thankfully, there are people like you to make information more accessible, to organize gatherings that provide so much help to so many. Thanks to my weekly meetings, I realized I wasn’t suffering alone, that many regular people—good people—have the same ups and downs in their day-to-day lives. Looking back, I can see that I’ve made great progress over the last few months. I feel more at peace, and each day, I try to believe in myself and believe in what life has to offer. I learned that it takes two to tango… and I choose to dance!

Thank you for being there. I wish that you may store every wonderful moment of 2009 so that you’ll have plenty to get you through the tough times to come.

I wish you, and your team, all the energy and passion you need to fuel your admirable work.

I wish for your organization to get the $$$ and skilled staff it needs to continue to bring such warmth to our lives. You deserve the accolade.

Yours truly,

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