L'Accolade Santé mentale
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Useful Links


Public Health Agency, mental health section
A website that aims to increase direct access to a wide range of documents about promoting mental health, planning, services, costs and assessment of mental health programs and services in Canada, as well as addressing mental health questions, problems and issues that affect Canadians.

Association canadienne en santé mentale filiale Rive-Sud

Association des alternatives en santé mentale de la Montérégie
A regional grouping of alternative resources that provide varied mental health services. Its mission is to contribute to the development and recognition of its resource members through support actions, participation in community life and strategic representation.

Association des Troubles anxieux du Québec

An organization with a mandate to foster clinical and scientific discussions between different clinical programs, associations and community organizations working with youth who are experiencing early psychosis.

Association québécoise pour la réadaptation psychosociale (A.Q.R.P.)
This association leverages its influence through its social and political involvement and activities focused on promotion, dissemination and training. With its 400 individual and corporate members, it brings together (for the whole province) all categories of stakeholders affected by psychosocial rehabilitation as it concerns mental health.

Association des médecins psychiatres du Québec

Association québécoise des infirmières et infirmiers en santé mentale

A national website providing information on crises, worrisome behaviour in loved ones, stress levels and mental illnesses.

Centre de toxicomanie et de santé mentale (CAMH)
Affiliated with the University of Toronto, the CAMH is the largest mental health and addiction centre in Canada. It is also a source of information about mental health, drugs and addiction and concurrent disorders (drugs and mental illness).

Collège des médecins du Québec

Fédération des Familles et Amis de la Personne Atteinte de Maladie Mentale
The FFAPAMM has a mandate to bring together all of Quebec’s family associations, including L’Accolade Santé Mentale. Their website provides plenty of useful information for families and loved ones.

Fondation des maladies mentales
An organization with a mandate to prevent mental illness in order to reduce the suffering of people affected by mental illness and give support to their loved ones, by mobilizing individuals and society.

Fondation Québécoise pour le Trouble Obsessionnel-Compulsif (FQTOC)‎
A non-profit organization with a mandate to promote social integration for those living with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). Its goals are to teach people about OCD and provide support for loved ones and individuals affected by the disorder.

Fédération québécoise des centres de réadaptation pour personnes alcooliques et autres toxicomanes
An association of centres in the health and social services sector. More specifically, its members are rehabilitation centres or related organizations that offer specialized services to people affected by issues of alcoholism, drug addiction or gambling.

Ministry of Health and Social Services (MHSS)
Website for the ministry concerned with mental health.

Ordre des psychologues du Québec

Ordre des travailleurs sociaux et des thérapeutes conjugaux et familiaux du Québec

Ordre des psychoéducateurs et psychoéducatrices du Québec

Regroupement des ressources alternatives en santé mentale du Québec (RRASMQ)
A non-profit organization that brings together 120 alternative mental health resources throughout Quebec.

Société canadienne de la schizophrénie
A national organization with a mandate to contribute to improving the quality of life for people affected by schizophrenia and related psychoses through educational and support activities and by participating in government policy and contributing to research.

Société québécoise de la schizophrénie
An organization that aims to bring together, inform and support the caregivers and loved ones of people living with schizophrenia in Quebec.

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